We operate 100% on donations from people like you – and 98% of your donation goes directly to helping Haitians in need. We want you to meet a few of the kids at our orphanage – they’ll capture your heart. Take this opportunity to donate.

Meet Jean Marc
Jean Marc was born on February 28th, 2006. He came to Kay Mari after his father abandoned him and his mother died. For a period of time following the loss of his parents, he lived with his aunt, who made him beg in the streets every day for food, money, and daily needs. Rough around the edges when he arrived due to his harsh life, he was soon transformed by love and family at Kay Mari and is now a lively six-year-old who loves to tell jokes and invent things. He does very well at school and enjoys crafts and coloring.

Meet Belanda
Belanda, more famously known as Dada, has been with us since she took her very first steps in the days following the 2010 earthquake. She was born on September 7th, 2008 and is the grand daughter to our beloved house mom, Manmi Rez. Although not an orphan, she is loved and cared for among the other children, knowing them as nothing less than her brothers and sisters. Dada is an enchantingly cute, spunky girl who is now flourishing in school. She stole our hearts and is turning into such a sweetheart!

Meet Jeanita
Jeanita, born on June 12, 2001, in Port-au-prince, is the oldest child at Kay Mari. She, along with her two siblings Amos and Limania, came to us after the death of their mother and father. She loves school and is always first in her class. She is becoming a beautiful, confident young woman who plays well with everyone and is always willing to give a helping hand.

Meet Barbara
Barbara was born on August 10, 2004, in Cap Haitian. After being orphaned, she was taken in by an aunt, but she received very poor treatment from the community in which she lived. Barbara is a very beautiful little girl who loves to dance and tell long, elaborate stories. She is quick and strong willed, yet sensitive. There is no end to her creativity and she is always ready to tell a joke to brighten everyone’s day.

Meet Louiverson
Louiverson, lovingly known as “Sonson,” is a lively little boy born on April 15, 2009 in Lossier. His father abandoned him and his mother, and his mother’s serious physical handicaps made it impossible for her to care for him. He is a joyful little boy, who is growing big and strong every day. He loves playing with his cars and kicking the soccer ball around with the older kids.

Meet Amos
Amos was born in Port-au-Prince on May 30, 2003. He came to Kay Mari, along with his sisters Jeanita and Limania, after their mother and father died. He is a strong little boy, always looking for a buddy with whom he can wrestle or play soccer. Having never been to school before, he is loving every minute of classes and advancing very quickly. He gets good grades and has many friends in school.

Meet Bebe
Bebe was born on February 5th, 2010. She and her sister, Kemode, came to us in need, due to a very neglectful family situation. She is in kindergarten now and enjoys playing make believe and caring for the girls younger then her!
When one of the children at Kay Mari jumps into your arms, you immediately understand why Christ proclaimed “Let the Children Come to Me!” There is so much joy, and so much love they have to share – even in the midst of poverty. We are helping to provide much needed resources to these children.

Meet Naica
Naica is the entertainer of the children at Kay Mari. She was born on January 27, 2010, in Cap Haitian. Her brother Wiskendy and sister Cherlande also came to Kay Mari after losing their mother to sickness and their father when he abandoned them for another family. Smart, active, and funny, Naica loves to be the center of attention, so she’ll often be found dancing, singing, and telling jokes! She is great at imitations and will often impersonate the staff. Naica is so full of life and spunk, and Kay Mari has never had a dull moment since her arrival.

Meet Peterson
Peterson was born on June 17, 2005, in Port-au-Prince. He is brother to Francesca and Youri and a survivor of the earthquake that took their parents’ lives. When he grows up, he wants to be a priest. Peterson is a star athlete with a huge personality and an outstanding student with a hunger for knowledge. He shows strong leadership skills, even at a young age.

Meet Kendy
Kendy was the very first child to make a home at Kay Mari in December of 2009. He has come such a long way from those early days when he wouldn’t speak to anyone and would only watch everyone’s movements through his huge brown eyes. He was found alone in a home, and we later came to know that his mother was a rape victim who was unable to deal with her pain. She abandoned Kendy with a neighbor, who later abandoned him entirely, leaving him to fend for himself at two years of age. Now, Kendy is always playing and trying to keep up with the older boys and is a little perfectionist. He is a very sensitive and compassionate child who loves to just be in the presence of people he trusts and loves.

Meet Francesca
Francesca was born on March 10, 2003, in Port-au-Prince. Francesca, Peterson and Youri, all siblings, tragically lost both of their parents in the earthquake. Francesca immediately took on a mother role for her two younger brothers. She has been able to become a child again at Kay Mari while still maintaining her loving, motherly spirit with the other children. She is mature, sweet, and funny, and she loves teaching the other girls how to change diapers, do dishes, or pick out pretty outfits. Francesca is a true leader, who is growing up beautifully at Kay Mari.

Meet Elourde
Elourde was born on August 17, 2003, in Cap Haitain and does not remember her mother. She came to Kay Mari very skinny and malnourished, but now has a huge appetite and is very healthy. She is our most helpful and charitable child, always willing to care for the handicapped kids and elderly here. She is a spitfire full of life — a lively child who enjoys talking for hours about nearly anything!

Meet Shama
Shama lived with her grandmother in Cap Haitian before joining the Kay Mari family. She was born on December 13, 2005. She is the sweetest, most timid little girl, who loves all of God’s creatures — even the spiders that the other children try to kill! She could sit quietly playing all day and be perfectly happy. Shama loves giving affection and asking questions about everything she sees and is so sweet with the little kids.

Meet Youri
Youri was born on June 27, 2007, in Port-au-Prince. He lost his parents in the 2010 earthquake. When he first came he was very sick, unable to walk due to exhaustion and underdevelopment. Now Youri, who wants to be a police officer when he grows up, is the self-appointed “police officer” for Kay Mari, constantly running and playing with the other kids and giving out “punishments” for offenses! He has a huge personality and a tremendous passion for life.
Have you looked into Team180? If you can donate $1000 one time a year, you are making an enormous difference in the lives of these children and helping to turn things around in Haiti.

Meet Faika
Faika, born on February 27, 2012 in Croix-des-Bouquets, came to us at only 5 months old. She is a peanut of a girl, always playing with her best friend Marie-Fidele or playing dress-up with the older girls clothes. She loves to sing and has a heart full of love for her family here at Kay Mari. She is a blessed addition to the family and is much loved by all who meet her.

Meet Cherlande
Cherlande was born on May 12, 2006, in Cap Haitian. Like her brother and sister, Wiskendy and Naica, she lost her mother to sickness and was abandoned by her father when he left them for another family. Cherlande is curious, confident, yet quiet! She takes great joy in singing and dancing alongside the other little girls. Stubborn in a positive way, she often prefers to try new things on her own, and she is growing up to be a true leader.

Meet Simon
Simon came to Kay Mari on January 7, 2013 at about 10 years old and was in grave need of affection and long-term health care. Severely malnourished when he arrived, he has recovered to nearly a normal weight level due to proper nutrition and feeding. Today he is a happy young boy, receiving love and care for his many physical, mental, and spiritual needs. Simon’s advanced Cerebral Palsy and daily seizures require medicine to control, though through love and patience he is advancing quickly. He is unable to sit, walk, stand, talk, or eat on his own, but that does not stop him from smiling and laughing when you play with him! He loves to be held and to dance, and he will put a smile on any face.

Meet Anne Carly
Anne Carly is a beautiful young girl who was born on March 12, 2004 and came to us at 8 years of age. She was abandoned at a hospital in Port-au-Prince for 14 months before we were finally able to call her family and take her home to Kay Mari. Although she is unable to walk, her physical handicaps do not restrict her from playing with the kids and getting the most out of life. She loves school and especially loves to help out around the house and be given jobs. Full of spunk and giggles, Anne Carly is a girl with a BIG heart and love to share.

Meet Mackendy
Mackendy is our very own jack-of-all-trades at Kay Mari. He can fix or create anything, which really comes in handy! He was born on June 25, 2002, and is from Port-au-Prince. He was the second child to join the family of Kay Mari, and he has responsibly taken on the big brother role for all the other kids. His father passed away when he was young, and the 2010 earthquake took the life of his mother. Mackendy is smart, witty, and very good at telling jokes. He is always striving to improve at whatever it is he wants to accomplish, whether it be soccer, schoolwork, or fixing the vacuum cleaner — and he is a light to everyone at Kay Mari.

Meet Marguerite
Marguerite joined the Kay Mari family on January 7, 2013, and has special needs. She came to us at only five years old and has severe physical disabilities that make her unable to stand, walk, talk, or feed herself, and she has visual and cognitive impairments. Love, nourishment and patience strengthened her tremendously, however, and she is able to sit on her own now — a huge accomplishment! As we work with her, our prayers continue that one day she will be able to walk with assistance. Marguerite is a sweet girl who loves to just sit and snuggle, and she has a smile that lights up her whole face and the hearts of those around her.

Meet Wiskendy
Wiskendy was born on May 5, 2004, in Cap Haitian. He came to Kay Mari along with his two siblings, Cherlande and Naica. Their mother had passed away, and their father had abandoned them and started another family. Wiskendy is a kind, shy, and brave child who loves to spend quiet time playing by himself in the yard or with the other boys. He was severely maltreated by his aunt before arriving at Kay Mari, leaving him initially timid and reserved. Now he is comfortable and happy, jumping into every chance there is to play.

Meet Hachelove
Hachelove is a sweet young girl born on Jan 7, 2005, in Port-au-Prince. Her father abandoned her, and her mother died when she was just over a year old. She was taken in by her uncle, who did not have the means to care for her, so she became part of our Kay Mari family. She is fully adjusted to life in the village and loves playing dolls, going to school, and singing with the other girls at Kay Mari.

Meet Kemode
Kemode was born on April 22nd, 2011. She and her sister, Bebe, came to us in need, due to a very neglectful family situation. Kemode is now in school and loving playing with her true sister and many new sisters! She loves playing with the missionaries and playing make believe with the other kids here.

Meet Limania
Limania, also known to the other kids as “The Artist,” is a sweetheart who loves to sing anywhere and everywhere! She was born on May 12th, 2005 and came to Kay Mari with her siblings Jeanita and Amos after the death of their parents, and she transitioned to life in the village immediately. She is joyful and bright and encourages the other girls to play and sing with her as often as possible. If she is not singing or dancing, she is filling her belly with juicy mangos!

Meet Marie Fidele
Marie Fidele was born on Oct. 11th, 2012 in Port-au-Prince. She was found by the Missionaries of Charity Sisters the day she was born, abandoned in the street. Today, she is thriving at Kay Mari and is a happy little girl, enjoying her space to run and play with the other little guys! She is usually found playing on the swing set with her best friend Faika. The best part about Marie Fidele is that she is funny and knows it!

Meet Djoulie
Djoulie was born on August 15, 2008 in Jacmel and was abandoned as a baby with severe malnutrition. Her favorite thing to do is play dolls with her best friend Belanda and braid the little girls hair. She loves going to school and especially bringing home the crafts that she made! She is doing very well at speaking English and uses every opportunity to talk to her new missionary friends that visit us here at Kay Mari.

Meet Robenson
Robenson was born on October 1st, 2009 in Jacmel. He was abandoned at four months old and was brought to Kay Mari several years later. He is best friends with Louiverson and enjoys creating and building out of whatever he finds in the yard. He is a little instigator but is loved by all who meet him due to his sweet personality!

Meet Eneldine
Eneldine was brought to us at the age of twelve due to a very abusive situation at home. She is sweet and kind, always looking to help around the house with anything that needs to be done! Enedline loves school, especially since she has never had the opportunity to go before. She is a beautiful addition to our family and lights up Kay Mari with her smile and joy filled personality!

Meet Michelson
Michelson was born on August 12th, 2011 and already has quite a reputation for being the star of Kay Mari. He came to us from the Missionaries of Charity Sisters in Port-au-Prince after being abandoned by his parents. Michelson is a tough, strong little boy on the outside and loving and sensitive on the inside. His favorite activities are playing with toy cars and kicking a soccer ball around from morning to night. Michelson is a perfect addition to our family here at Kay Mari!

Meet Joseph
Joseph (Little Joseph) was born on March 19th, 2011. He was abandoned in front of the gates of a hospital and brought to us soon after. He is a healthy, strong little boy who was unable to walk when he arrived at Kay Mari. But he soon learned to run and play along with the other kids. He especially enjoys playing tag now that he can use his legs to carry him where he needs to go! This little boy is full of joy and brings laughter wherever he goes!

Meet Joseph
Joseph (Big Joseph) was born on September 8th, 2008. He is spunky and smart and loves being outside! You can find him playing with the other boys his age on the swing set or in the yard. He is very good in school and loves doing homework! He is a sweetheart and does whatever is asked of him. He is a wonderful addition to Kay Mari!

Meet Wisterson
Wisterson was born on November 7th, 2008. He came to us a timid, quiet little boy but soon lit up with excitement and joy! He is constantly creating things and making new games to play with his buddies Louiverson and Joseph. He loves going to school and is especially loved by us here at Kay Mari for his kind heart and gentle spirit.

Meet Andre
Andre was brought to us when he was only about 4 years old. Despite his Cerebral Palsy, he is the most smiley, affectionate boy who loves the attention of the children and especially the ladies of the house! He is full of giggles and smirks and is advancing quickly here due to the love, encouragement, and patience of those around him!

Meet Sarah
Sarahyi was born on March 30th, 2016 to a mother incapable of caring for her. She came to us at just 8 weeks old, our youngest child yet to come to Kay Mari. She is lovable and sweet and a happy, healthy baby. She is loved by all, especially the kids, who take turns holding her and playing with her throughout the day. She stole all our hearts from the moment we met her and she is flourishing here at Kay Mari.

Meet Jonathan
Jonathan was born on July 27th 2014. He was abandoned at a hospital where he was brought for malnutrition. He came to us having just celebrated his 2nd birthday! Although he was overwhelmed by the number of children at Kay Mari, he quickly adjusted and if now full of life, joy and laughter! Jonathan’s sweetness and gentleness is what we love about him most and we are blessed that he is a part of our family!

Remembering Martina 
In August of 2013, Martina passed from this life to be with our Father. Martina originally came to Kay Mari on January 7, 2013. She was a beautiful source of joy and she will always be a part of our family.