Thank You!
Thank you very much for supporting Haiti180. You are helping us turn it around.
It began with the children… their smiling faces, their desire to be loved and nourished. Through your generous support, we built an orphanage for the children so that they may become leaders for the future of Haiti. Today they are fed, loved, and educated.
But we didn’t stop with the children. As the hands and feet of Christ, we’ve reached out to all of Haiti – from the poorest to the oldest and everyone in-between. Through your support, we’ve built a school bursting with teaching and learning. We’ve constructed a chapel filled with the Holy Spirit. We’ve opened a home for the elderly. And now, we’re building a medical center to care for the sick.
It’s through the continued generous donations of people just like you that Christ’s love flourishes in Haiti. Your offering supports the teachers, caregivers, medicine, food, water, gas, clothing and so much more.
Thank you for your love, prayer, and financial support. Together, we can turn Haiti around.